Below we will learn how to use custom design ANT tag,
Macrodef is one of the most powerful ways of reusing
Ant code. Macrodefs allow us to define a
“private method” with “parameters”, called attributes. Most uses of "ant calls"can be replaced by macrodefs. Macrodefs allow easier code flow
than trying to specify “depends” which increase faster execution of build
** Note- "propertyregex " performs regular expression operations on an input string, and sets the
results to a property.
Input- The input String to be processed.
Global-Should a
replacement operation be performed on the entire string, rather than just the
first occurrence .
Benefit of using
Suppose as a user I have to define property java.compile.rversion
and I passed compiler value as 1.5 but by mistake a space or tab character
comes before the compiler value. If we will use the same it will fail while
compiling but if we use "triminputproperty" and pass the compiler value into
this it will auto remove the space before and after the passed value string and
we can use the correct value.
triminputproperty property="java.compiler.trimmed" input="${java.compile.version}"
Now using echo we can verify the output.
echo message="${java.compiler.trimmed}"
Cheers !