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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hard totals in ORPOS

Hard totals contain summary of financial information that is locally available to the register.  Hard totals also contain store status and transaction information, which is required to create transactions if the register goes offline.  A set of hard totals is kept for each till, each register, and the store.  The register hard totals contain a summary of the portion of its tills’ hard totals that occurred on that register; the store’s hard totals contain a summary of its registers’ hard totals. 

Note:  The number of sets of data for tills is determined by the setting of the Accountability system setting.
If the Accountability system setting is set to Cashier, the data is collected for each till in addition to the totals for the register.  If the Accountability system setting is set to Register, the data is collected for the single till used by the register.

Facts about Hard Totals Files

1.     Hard Totals contains financial data.  This data is stored so that it is accessible locally at the register.
2.     Sequence number recycles at the maximum, for example, (9999, the next number would be 0001).
3.     Hard totals are not updated when the system is in training mode.
4.     The system automatically resets the Hard Totals when the system detects a newer business date from persistent storage.
5.     When a till that was suspended on a different register is resumed on the current register (floating till), Hard Totals are only saved for the portion of till activity that occurs on the current register for that register.
6.     Per, PABP, PCI and SOX, social security numbers must not be in the clear, unless used for PAT Cash transaction.
7.     Per, PABP and PCI, passwords must not be in the clear.
8.  Default hard total size is configured in the device configuration file.


Parameter Mnemonic
Valid Values
Following configuration in POSDEVICES.XML determines the default hardtotal size.

devicename = "defaultHardTotals"          
PROPERTY propname="fileSize"


The following information is a preliminary set of data stored in hard totals.  Any additional data shown in hard totals is acceptable.
Note: Hard totals keep track of the number of tenders.  If tenders are split, the counts are greater than the number of transactions.
Store Information
Register Information
Till Information
Store ID
Till ID
Location Name
Last Transaction Sequence Number
Drawer ID
Current Till ID
Cashier List (Employee ID and Information for Each Cashier)


Workstation ID

Store ID

Location Name


Training Mode (true/false)

@Kapil Pant

Friday, December 6, 2013

SVN Administration (SVN user creation and directory access)


1.   How to create new user

[root@localhost]# htpasswd -md /etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/conf/svn_auth_file èenter

Renter password è@@@@@@

2. How to provide rights to user

[root@localhost]# vi /etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/conf/svn_access_file

Open this file you will get this

è  [\]

= r  è this user will get only read permission
= rw è this user will get read-write permission


After installation of svn server on linux platform you can check the status of this service whether it is working or not via command 
[root@localhost]# lsof | grep 3326

In case if it is not working on your system.  you can start and stop this service using below command

[root@localhost]# ./etc/init.d/collabnet_subversion [start/stop/status/restart] 

List of files changed since a certain date using SVN

svn log -r {2016-09-01}:{2011-09-04} > log.txt (only shows the revisions and comments but not the files list)

--verbose (or -v) flag and you'll get a list of all affected paths as well as the log messages. If you want to get rid of the messages, add the --quiet (or -q) flag
svn log -qv -r {2016-09-01}:{2011-09-04} > log.txt

If you just want each changed file printed once (rather than for each revision in which it was changed), you could also do:
svn diff --summarize -r {2016-09-01}:{2011-09-04} > log.txt

SVN Installation (How to install svn in Redhat-enterprise linux)


How to install svn in Redhat-enterprise linux 


First download the require rpm (below rpm or higher available)

(a)  CollabNetSubversion-client-1.4.6-3.i386.rpm
      (b)  CollabNetSubversion-server-1.4.6-3.i386.rpm 
Caution.: - make sure to install the client rpm first then server

1. [root@kapilhost CollabNetSubversion]# rpm -ivh CollabNetSubversion-client-1.4.6-3.i386.rpm

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
   1:CollabNetSubversion-cli########################################### [100%]

2. [root@kapilhost CollabNetSubversion]# rpm -ivh CollabNetSubversion-server-1.4.6-3.i386.rpm

Preparing..  ########################################### [100%]
   1:CollabNetSubversion-ser########################################### [100%]

Creating new repository

First take backup of following file   /etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/conf/svn_access_file 

*Backup required restoration purpose in future.

[root@kapilhost ~]#  cp    /etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/conf/svn_access_file    

                                        /etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/conf/svn_access_file.bak  *(backup complete)

3. [root@kapilhost~]# cd /opt/         

4. [root@kapilhostopt]# ls 
now you can see CollabNet_Subversion under /opt directory.

5. [root@kapilhostopt]# cd CollabNet_Subversion/   (go inside  CollabNet_Subversion dir using cd )

7. [root@kapilhostCollabNet_Subversion]# ls    (using ls you can see the basic directory structure of svn)

    bin  build  docs  lib  modules  share

8. [root@kapilhostCollabNet_Subversion]# cd bin/

9. [root@kapilhostbin]# ls

ab            Configure-CollabNet-Subversion  htpasswd    svnadmin
apachectl     dbmmanage                       httpd       svndumpfilter
apr-1-config  envvars                         httxt2dbm   svnlook
apu-1-config  htcacheclean                    logresolve  svnserve
apxs          htdbm                           rotatelogs  svnsync
checkgid      htdigest                        svn         svnversion

10. [root@kapilhostbin]# ./Configure-CollabNet-Subversion   (execute file to setup svn)

CollabNet Subversion Server is a free download of open-source Subversion,
compiled and tested by CollabNet. For more information about CollabNet
Subversion, visit the CollabNet community at

Would you like to configure the CollabNet Subversion Server now? [yes] yes

Welcome to CollabNet Subversion Server setup.

You will now be asked some questions to configure CollabNet Subversion.
Defaults are given in square brackets. If a default is okay for you
Just hit [Enter] to continue.    Press enter key

This setup can configure either Apache or svnserve as Subversion
server, for you. Would you like to configure Apache as your
Subversion server now? [yes] yes

Continuing with apache Subversion server configuration ...

Specify the base directory for Subversion repositories: [/var/svn/repositories]

Non-existing base path, Let me create and continue [yes] yes

Base path created.
Would you like to create a new Subversion repository? [yes] no

Would you like to give the name and port that the server uses to identify itself? [yes] yes

Registered DNS name or IP address:

Server port number: 3326

Allow anonymous read access? [no] no

0 users currently have access to this repository:

Would you like to create a new Subversion account? [yes] no

Stopping CollabNet Subversion: httpd (no pid file) not running  [  OK  ]                                                  
Starting CollabNet Subversion:                             [  OK  ]
  Congratulations! You have successfully configured the CollabNet
  Subversion server.

  You can access your repositories at the following URL: